Instead of Commuting…

Hydrogen Remote has been working full-time for our clients since the middle of March. Since then, we have created websites, videos, strategic and media plans, brand campaigns, logos, social media posts and more. However, even with our packed schedules, we’ve noticed that the shorter commute times (walking to the basement/other room/storeroom above the garage) allows us more time to learn, or do a new thing or two. Here are a few of our favorites:

  • made French bread
  • took down Christmas lights
  • installed two closet systems
  • discovered “wicked vacuuming” skills
  • walked the dog 3+ miles every day
  • learned to cook Baja chicken tacos
  • built a patio
  • still didn’t catch up on laundry
  • mastered several cocktail recipes
  • walked/ran/hiked over 1.5 million steps
  • created large piles of donation items that can’t be dropped off
  • started a daily “random crap in the house” photo series
  • and many, many more

We at Hydrogen hope you are staying healthy in these extraordinary times, and we hope to see you in person when the time is right. Until then, let us know how we can help you.