Hydrogen from Home

The discovery was made under duress, not by choice. A full ten days before Washington’s Governor Inslee issued what was meant to be a two-week

Jenny Dorey to Lead Hydrogen’s Finances

A highly accomplished accounting professional with experience across several industries including engineering, tech, architecture and more recently, marketing services, Jenny Dorey brings her leadership, critical


What do you get when you take the detour around the West Seattle Bridge, ride a ferry and drive down what feels like the world’s

Instead of Commuting…

Hydrogen Remote has been working full-time for our clients since the middle of March. Since then, we have created websites, videos, strategic and media plans,

From a Different Point of View

As an intern, the Hydrogen workplace sheds a different light. My point of view is unique—not because I barely surpass five feet, but because the


The Northwest is a very special place. It magically combines mountains, water and trees within a truly unique climate that rewards one’s winter patience with

Fiercely Independent. Together.

When 65 likeminded advertising agencies in 50 countries work together, clients win. Jumbo shrimp. Hell’s Angels. Seriously funny. I love a good oxymoron, don’t you? But

Happy Birthday, Hydrogen!

This year, Hydrogen celebrates a decade and a half in the biz. Watch out, we’re old enough to get our learner’s permit! A lot has

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